Hey Folks, apologies for such a long hiatus since the last entry. My main priority over the last year has been providing monthly Kickstarter Updates to backers for We're Sinking. As we come to the end of production, I want to restart and revamp these newsletters. I plan to do monthly posts with the goal of providing a behind-the-scenes look at current and future game projects, events I'll be attending, and maybe a sprinkle of personal life news from time to time.
We're Sinking Pledge Manager Closing Soon
If you are a Backer or Pre-Ordered We're Sinking and you have not completed the pledge manager survey. You MUST complete it before October 1st if you want to receive your game during the first wave of deliveries.
We need these surveys to add your mailing address and provide payment for shipping. You also have the opportunity to add additional copies to your order or purchase the expansion. If you have not seen a pledge manager email from Backerkit, please reply to this email and I can send you a direct link. We will be closing the pledge manager and locking orders on October 1st. Please make sure your credit card info and mailing address are correct.
Mass production should be complete next month and We're Sinking is tracking to be delivered in December and January!
Upcoming Projects
I have decided to delay Toppings until 2024. Originally I had planned on launching the Toppings' Kickstarter Campaign in October (A year after We're Sinking's Campaign) but I underestimated how much work was left for me to do on We're Sinking. I'll keep you all posted in the coming months on Toppings news.
Event Calendar
Hawkland Gaming Festival - Saturday, Sept 23rd (1pm-7pm) This weekend I'll be demoing We're Sinking and taking pre-orders at a local convention in Southern Maryland. If you're in the area, come by and say hi!
Next Month
As things start slowing down with We're Sinking, I have several exciting new game projects I hope to explore and talk about next month. So stay tuned! Have a great October! Cheers, - Joseph