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  • Q: What Happens if we run out of Water cards in the Water Deck?
    A: This should be a rare case, but theoretically there are some situations where it could. If a player would draw and no cards are available, nothing happens, the player does not draw. If you get to Step 3 of a new round and cannot deal out the exact amount of water or treasure cards. Move to Sinking Procedures to reset the round.
  • Q: Do I have to use an items ability to play it?
    A: Yes, if you are playing the card for it's triggered ability, you must be able to complete the ability.
  • Q: How do you add up points for the Cursed Amulets?
    A: Cursed Amulets are not duplicative of one another. In other words, if you have 4 Amulets cards in your hand, then the total value of all 4 cards is 12 Points.
  • Q: After playing a Chest Token and using its ability, is the token discarded or kept to be used again on a later turn?
    A: Chest Token abilities are a one time use. After they are used, they can be discarded back to the box.
  • Q: If, when an endgame condition is met, my hand consists solely of Clear Water cards and Rubber Ducky, am I considered to be under the minimum hand size during final hand size check, and therefore have to draw a card, or do I get to have a theoretically illegal hand size of one when determining the winner?
    A: If the ship sinks, the order of resolution is as follows: 1. Check Hand Size: All Players follow the standard Step 7 of the Duties Checklist. 2. Scoring: All players reveal their hands and add up the number of cards they each have to determine the winner. Rubber Ducky's ability will not come into affect until it is revealed from your hand in the above step 2. This is the only way to possibly win the game with 1 card in your hand.
  • Q: Can you reveal your own action dial when resolving the Spyglass?
    A: No, the spirit of the card is to sus out your opponents motives.


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A semi-cooperative, prisoner’s dilemma, hand management, and secret action-taking survival game.
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